Demo by Mind the G.A.S.
WOES | Will it doom?
Quick Overview Demo
WOES Dual Band Superdriver is an original discrete analog design with two parallel drive circuits with independent bias-mangling gain controls preceded by a boost stage. While WOES is capable of chimey overdrive tones, it also offers a wide range of broken and torn-apart sounds for the acquainted fuzz enthusiast who is looking for something out of the box. Try it out with pinch harmonics and note decays and hear the dual parallel bands react differently while battling out at the output!
WOES Dual Band Superdriver sparked into life when Champion Leccy announced their End of Days Fuzz Challenge in December 2021. Accepting the said challenge initiated the study and development that escalated into the release of WOES in August 2022.
High and Low controls set the gain of the two bands while also having an effect over the internal bias voltages. This dual action results in super gnarly sounds when these controls are dimed. When balancing out the two controls, note that Low packs a higher headroom than High.
Filter is a tone shaper which can -- based on where your other controls are set at -- do tasks usually assigned to knobs titled LPF, Presence, Mids or Scoop. Yeah, that's weird.
Master determines if it's loud or not.
Input can be set to attenuate or boost the input signal providing the desired amount of headroom or saturation.
High and Low controls are designed to interact with circuit bias voltages. This interactivity means that small crackle is to be expected when rotating the said controls. It's intended by design and does not imply a broken circuit or part.
The unit features a bias trimmer on the PCB. Do not touch the trimmer! It's carefully set at assembly phase in set and forget fashion.
- Dimensions: 64mm x 125mm x 55mm.
- All top jacks.
- All analog and true bypass.
- 2.1mm 9V DC negative center power connection.
- Current draw 10mA.
- Built with authentic high quality components.
Artwork by Kakografia.